Social Emotional Learning
Arapahoe Ridge Elementary utilizes the Positive Behavior Support (P.B.S.) Program. The purpose of the program is to establish and maintain an effective school environment that maximizes the academic achievement and behavioral competence of all learners.
Guiding Principles
• Prevention is more effective than reaction.
• Teaching positive behavior is more effective than assuming students already have these skills.
• Behavioral expectations need to be defined in a concrete, positive way so that every student can remember them.
• Schools and families working together can provide a continuum of behavioral support ranging from school-wide interventions for all students to more individualized interventions for students with intense/chronic behavior challenges.
Good Citizenship Traits
Our goal is for each student to experience a safe, successful, and fun school year. Students will be recognized for positive behavior and development of the five traits: Responsibility, Risk-Taker, Perseverance, Respectful and Compassionate through individual recognition. These traits align with the traits we give grades for on our report cards.
Positive Office Referrals
A safe, friendly nurturing and positive environment supports our primary focus at school — the education of our children. As a new year begins, we believe that writing positive office referrals is a quick and meaningful form of recognizing students and is an additional way that all of the Arapahoe staff can highlight all the positive efforts our students are making.
Every staff member will be encouraged to write a couple positive office referrals for students each month. When the student comes to the office with a positive referral, an administrator will make a phone call to parents to share the good news. As a result, students feel proud and the phone call often increases their motivation to excel in the classroom.
Wolf Eye Rewards
Classes will have opportunities to earn positive rewards. Classes that demonstrate the ARE expectations in the hallways, cafeteria, specials classes and recess can earn a Wolf Eye. There are various rewards for classes as classes accumulate Wolf Eyes throughout the year.
Office Referrals
Student misbehavior will be documented through Office Referrals and students will receive full due process by an administrator prior to consequences being issued. Parents will receive a phone call or email when students receive an office referral. For other students that may be involved in an office referral but are not the offender, it is up to the administrator if their family will be contacted. Parents will always be contacted by an administrator if their child has been injured or hurt by another student.